Set Up Email on Your iOS-based Device (iPhone) Print

  • 35


Set up your email address on an IOS device, like iPhone or iPad using the steps below.

Ensure that your domain name has already propagated (can be accessed via a web browser), if it hasn't your email will not function.

Created your mailbox at: -> Login to cPanel -> Email Accounts -> Create


You are now ready to set up your email account on Your iOS-based Device

1.) Tap "Settings" app

2.) Tap "Accounts & Passwords"


3.)  Tap "Add Account..."

4.) Tap "Other" (bottom option)

5.) Tap "Add Mail Account"

6.) Enter Name, address:
and password for the mail box.
(iPhone will attempt to guess your settings. Allow ~1 minute for it to fail.)

7.) Select IMAP. (It's the default. The option you've selected will be highlighted blue.)
Under "Incoming mail server"
Set "hostname" to
Set "username" to
Set "password" to your password for the mail box.

Mailbox setup 

8.) Under "Outgoing mail server"
Set "Host name" to
Set "User name" to
Set password for the mail box.

9.) Under you Outgoing (SMTP) Advanced tab:
- Slide SSL button On
- Ensure that you have 465 as your Outgoing port


10. Tap Done

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