Discontinuation of free mailbox service

  • Friday, 28th June, 2019
  • 09:40am

Yesterday, 27 June 2019, our upstream Control Panel Partner (cPanel) announced their new pricing and licensing structure to Partners, Distributors, and cPanel Store customers.

For the past 20 years, cPanel had a fixed license fee per server and customers were able to add unlimited users to servers running cPanel software. 

However, on 27 June 2019 cPanel announced that they will now be charging providers $ 0.20 USD per account on each server.  This amounts to almost R3 per account on each server.

It is unfortunately no longer feasible for Register Domain SA to offer free mail services as we run free mail servers with thousands of accounts on them.  The latter would result in losses running into thousands of South African Rands.

We will, however, absorb this license expense for the next 3 months to provide existing free mailbox customers with ample time to upgrade their free service to one of our paid hosting services as per https://www.registerdomain.co.za/web-hosting

On 1 September 2019, all free mail services will be suspended.

Another 30 days will then be given as the last call for free mailbox customers to upgrade their free services to a paid service.

On 1 October 2019, all free mail services which have not been upgraded will be terminated permanently from our network.

We would like to thank our customers for their understanding in this regard and we hope to work together with you in the future.

Kind regards,

Register Domain SA Management

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