Domain names are the addresses of websites. The name needs to be creative while also being memorable. Your domain name is an integral part of your company's identity. Registration with a domain registrar is required to acquire a domain name. A domain registrar is an organisation that facilitates the process of registering domain names or websites. In general, our domain registration process takes between 10 and 15 minutes.
You can register a domain in South Africa using our affordable services and rest assured that you’ll receive efficient customer support throughout the process.
Information on a domain's owner, including the owner's name, address, phone number, email address, hosting provider, and expiration date, is available on WHOIS records, that is used to verify all of this data.
This data must be made public in WHOIS records as per a mandate from ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). WHOIS is a free online tool that reveals contact details to everyone who uses it. This is a service that can be accessed on the internet to learn details about a website, such as who registered it and when. WHOIS isn't an acronym. The acronym "WHOIS" is an abbreviation for "Who is the owner of this domain name or IP address?" This is the first part of the question that the database is meant to answer.
If you don't want others to be able to see your WHOIS information when searching for your domain name, you can use domain privacy. A proxy server is utilised for this purpose. You will need to pay the web server a set cost to make your domain name and associated contact details unavailable. With this service no one else will be able to access your name, phone number, email address, web host, etc.
A geoTLD is a top-level domain that can be used by businesses to target customers located in a certain area. Some examples of this are the domain names: .africa,.joburg,.capetown,
It is still recommended that multinational corporations operating in South Africa utilise the ubiquitous '.com' extension for their websites. It is the standard format for international corporations.
The registration fee is different for each subdomain and registrar combination. Prices for registration are from R85 each year.
You do not own your domain name. The domain name registrations remains active so long as they are renewed annually. This, however, is contingent upon the payment of both the initial registration charge and the annual renewal fee.
Domain names can be transferred between parties so long as all parties agree to the transfer and work together to complete it. After a domain name registrant submits a transfer request to the appropriate registrar, the registrar processes the request at the registry and sets the domain name up for transfer. All domain contacts are notified of the proposed transfer and given the opportunity to approve or reject it. When the transfer waiting period ends and no one objects to the change, the previous registrar is removed and the new one is added.
It is possible to switch both your domain's registrar and your web host. Simply change the DNS to point to the new web host. However, if you can, have the same business handle both domain name registration and hosting.
Your domain name is not the property of your web host. They are only acting as hosts. Make sure your WHOIS information includes you as an administrator. If you registered a domain, you have complete freedom to move your data whenever you like. Changing the name servers is all that's involved in moving a website to a new host. All the other details have not changed. Your domain name remains the same.
Resell domain names and benefit from our lucrative reseller options. Our resellers are able to purchase new ZA Domains from as low as R 75. NO MONTHLY FEES. Resellers can interact with our API or make use of our new WHMCS Reseller Module.
There are Country Code Top Level (ccTLD), like and Top Level Domain (Tld), like .com as well as Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs, like .africa)
One of the factors that helps your business succeed is having a good domain name. Conventional wisdom held that domain names should be short. However, there has been a decline in this trend during the past few years. Today, it's commonplace for businesses to have elaborate URLs consisting of many words or even phrases. Choosing a domain name for your business that is both memorable and descriptive of what it does is essential.
As soon as a registry is made aware of a domain name dispute, it is expected to take measures to prevent the domain name in question from being transferred. In actuality, the registrant will be unable to make any changes to the domain name's content other than those related to the domain name's technical details.
The registrant may also enter into a licence agreement with a third party to licence the use of the domain name, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the agreement.
Brands and the community as a whole are at risk from the proliferation of domain name scams. More and more respectable businesses have fallen victim to counterfeit or abusive domain names.
Domain name scammers are continuously coming up with domain names that are intentionally deceptive in order to trick potential customers into giving them money. top-level domain was designed to provide an extra layer of safety online. The DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) protocol, which has been adopted by the .ZA domain, aids the company in safeguarding the authenticity of its website and the privacy of its customers.
The.ZA Domain Name Authority (ZADNA) was founded in 2002 to control and administer domain namespace. ZADNA determines domain namespace's policies and direction. Numerous rules have been established to make .ZA safe, resilient, and compliant with international best practises.
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